Exploring 30 Cases of High Blood Luteinizing Hormone Syndrome and High Blood Androgenic Hormone Syndrome to be Treated by Traditional Nourishing Kidney and Expelling Stasis 益肾化瘀法治疗高黄体生成素高雄激素血症30例探析
The gland secreted in a holocrine fashion. The androgenic gland hormone is composed primarily of protein and lipid as indicated by positive reaction to Ninhydrin-Schiff and phosphomolybdic acid. 腺细胞以全浆方式分泌激素,茚三酮&Schiff反应、磷钼酸法反应呈阳性,推断分泌激素中主要含蛋白质和脂类2种化学成分;
According to current studies, there are four hypothesis about mechanism: damage to vascular system, zymogram alteration, androgenic hormone disturbance and lipid peroxidation. 目前研究认为存在四种关于作用机理的假设:血管系统损伤、酶谱改变、雄性激素失调和脂质过氧化。
However, there have been no reports that androgenic hormone increases incidence of coronary artery disease ( CAD) and myocardial infarction ( MI). 但是,迄今为止没有直接的证据显示雄激素可以使冠心病和心肌梗死的发病率增高。
In contrast, androgenic hormone level was found to be reversely related to the degree of coronary artery stenosis and incidence of MI. 相反,已有的研究报告显示,体内雄激素水平与男性冠状动脉狭窄的严重程度和心肌梗死发生率之间呈负相关。
Testis is the capital genital gland of masculinity. It secretes androgenic hormone and the place where is spermatogenesis. 睾丸是雄性最重要的生殖腺,它是雄性激素分泌及精子发生的场所。